Indo Surf & Lingo is the Original Surf Explorer’s Guidebook to Indonesia, first published in 1992.
Written, Designed, Updated and Reprinted every year in Bali Indonesia for over 25 years by Peter Neely until his tragic death in 2020
Latest available print edition is the 25th Anniversary Edition updated June 2019. Order Here
The new 2023-24 Edition is currently being edited and updated and is coming soon
About the original author
Peter Neely first surfed Bali in 1975, lived in Bali from 1977 to 1986, was a judge at the first Om Bali Pro Contest in 1980 at Uluwatu, won the Bali Legends Surfing Contest in 1995 at Kuta Reef, and surfed all over Indonesia , constantly updating this book since 1991. With more than 15 years living in Indo, Peter was always totally “stoked on Indo”.
About the Editor
Dan Howard is the new manager / editor of the business, Indo Surf & Lingo since March 2023
Dan and his Indonesian wife Sonja have taken on the job of updating, editing and producing the next edition for 2023-24 and future editions to come . . .
Dan is a Photographer, writer and world traveller and has spent around 12 years of his life in Indonesia since his first trip to Bali in 1980
He has witnesed the huge changes (especially in Bali) that have occurred over that time and has travelled widely through Indonesia surfing and documenting his travels with a camera and pen along the way.
Dan’s writng and photography has been published in many different surf magazines over the years including Surfers Journal, ASL, Longboarder, Pacific Longboarder, TRACKS and others
In 2013 Dan met his beautiful wife Sonja in Bali and they were married in 2015
Working together their aim is to continue Peter’s Legacy and produce the next era of Indo Surf & lingo Guide Books with more info than ever before.
The hope and mission is that Indo Surf & Lingo will continue to be more than just a guide book . . . Not just a book that would offer wave descriptions, but also basic language lessons and advice about local customs, while encouraging respect for the Indonesian culture and interaction and friendships with the local people.
Indo Surf & Lingo 2023-24 edition will be launched soon

Dan and Sonja Howard getting ready to attend a friends Balinese wedding ceremony

Dan surfing Legian beach Breaks on his first trip to Bali in 1980

Dan surfing Periscopes, Sumbawa in 1986

Dan Surfing Cimaja, West Java in 2010

Dan and Sonja Seminyak Beach 2018
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188 pages full colour Guidebook includes:
– Info on all aspects of Surf Travel in Indonesia
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Indo Surf and Lingo © 1992-2023 Email us
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Tide Charts © Indo Surf & Lingo under Exclusive Crown Copyright Licences. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Admiralty Hydrographic Department. It is illegal to copy or reproduce any part of these Tide Charts without advance approval of Indo Surf & Lingo. We are happy to organize your own copyright licence, so please email us your enquiry
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