Java’s wild south coast is pounded by tons of swell, but it’s a long road trip from G-Land to the next quality break: Pacitan in Central Java has some very heavy sucking reefs, and uncrowded beachbreaks. About 2 hours drive from Jogjakarta airport.
An 8 hour drive west brings you to the fishing village of Batu Karas, near Pangandaran. There is an easy sand-bottom Right Pointbreak straight out from the Java Cove Hotel and Sunrise Resort. Ideal for longboards, learners, intermediates. Early season is best, from January to June before the tradewinds blow.
About 5 hours south of Jakarta Airport is Cimaja, a classic right pointbreak 8 Km east of Pelabuhan Ratu. There are lots of reefs and points nearby, the best being Loji on a giant swell and Suwarna any time. For full details check www.cimajapoint.com
Ombak Tujuh is a very thick left peak, like a reverse Sunset Beach. It’s a 30 minute mortorbike ride through jungle from Batu Besar losmen at Turtles, a fast hollow left. Ombak Tujuh gets very big, very often, so experienced big wave riders only!
You could also take the time to check out the uncrowded beach breaks west of Cimaja, from Cisolok to Baya.
Off Java’s south west coast is Panaitan island with Indonesia’s most perfect yet dangerous left reefbreak, One Palm Point. Ridiculously shallow, so wear all the rubber and helmets you can afford. Ten second tube rides are quite possible, but a high fear factor watching the reef below. Tucked inside the bay is Napalms, almost as hollow but shorter and less deadly.
Panaitan has other lefts and rights which are great fun, a lot less dangerous than One Palm. The rights get blown out in the dry season, so surf them at dawn: Illusions is 100 metres of speed. Apocalypse Wow is a lot like Backdoor Pipeline but no exit.
Some horrendous experiences have been endured here with unseaworthy local fishing boats breaking down, so you are much safer travelling on reliable charter yachts like Just Dreaming.
On the way back, you can sail past the island remains of Gunung Krakatau, the site of the largest volcanic explosion in recorded history. The tsunami waves created in 1883 were 120 feet high. Over 36,000 people died and 165 villages were destroyed. Eruptions still occur every year, so it is too dangerous to get close. Great sunsets from the mainland. There is supposedly a wave on the edge of the active volcano, if you’re crazy.

BATU KARAS – Longboarders Mencos, Dani and Munro try to impress Miss Norway. Photo Monty

Surfing on the Razor’s edge. The Search is endless. Photo Mark Newsham courtesy of Rip Curl Indonesia

Cimaja point – Photo Paul Gallegos

Mick Short Photo Russell Ord

Apocalypse Wow – Photo Passing Pirates

Pacitan – Photo Brad Masters

One Palm Point – Photo Passing Pirates

Hawaii’s Tom Stone. Photo John Bilderback Pondok Kencana Ombak Tujuh

Turtles – Photo Alan Van Gysen

Apocalypse Wow – Drew Courtney on his Outer Island. Photo Mark Newsham
Staying healthy in Indonesia isn’t always easy. Here are a few general tips, but before you go check the recommended Vaccinations at the Travellers Medical & Vaccination Centre (TMVC) website
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