South Sumatra
The South Sumatra coast has 10 quality waves in a beautiful area “just like Bali 30 years ago”.
Ujung Bocor near Krui is known as “Sumatra’s longest left”. Fun for intermediate to advanced surfers. Most surfers choose to stay on the point right in front of the break at Ombak Indah Resort www.ombakindahresort.com or nearby at Damai Bungalows www.damaibungalows.com to maximise time spent in the best possible waves every day. There are cheaper places to stay in town, but no surf views or cooling ocean breezes.
Way Jambu “the Sumatran Pipe” is only 10 minutes drive away. Also close by are fun beach breaks for learners. Quality right-left set-ups within 60 minutes are Krui, Jennys and Jimmys, all long hollow waves for experts. Banana Island is a one hour boat trip from Krui that’s worth trying.
TIDE CHARTS for all Indonesian islands are available from us.
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Ujung Bocor – Photo Simon Hodgson, www.ombakindahresort.com

Bengkulu – Dokar surf buggy, Pantai Panjang. Photo Timo Pramulya