If you’ve travelled and surfed anywhere around Indonesia before you would have noticed that the tides in Indonesian waters are very different from your home and other parts of the world
This is due to many influences and factors
The narrow straits and waterways between over 18,000 islands, the ocean floor topography varying from wide shelves of shallow water to deep deep trenches.
The massive tidal power from both the Pacific and Indian oceans coming from either end of the country combine to contribute to a complex system of tidal movement.
Gravitational and Lunar effects along with the Equatorial location also affect tidal outcomes, causing extreme variations with very high and very low tides occurring often when there is a full moon or new moon and then at the other extreme is Neap tides when there is noticeably little movement between the Highs and Lows
For these reasons it’s a good idea to have a tide chart that covers the length of your stay and you can plan your movements to different breaks and islands throughout the archipelago taking into account the best tides for your trip
Download these Indo Surf & Lingo Tide charts and keep on your phone or print them out for future reference
Tide Charts with hourly measurements and for other areas of Indonesia are available
At Indo Surf & Lingo Tide charts are created from Software that uses the most ‘up to date’ data collected from ports all over Indonesia
All Indonesan Tide charts on this page contain daily highs and lows and phases of the moon
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Tide Charts © Indo Surf & Lingo under Exclusive Crown Copyright Licences. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Admiralty Hydrographic Department. It is illegal to copy or reproduce any part of these Tide Charts without advance approval of Indo Surf & Lingo. We are happy to organize your own copyright licence, so please email us your enquiry